Susan Joy Paul
Base Camp
At Base Camp, you'll map your book.
Skipping this step is like going on an adventure and leaving the map behind. Sure, you'll end up somewhere, but probably not where you want to be.
Lay out the plot and theme for your book, so you know what it's about—and really about—before you spend months writing it.
Identify and research the people and places that bring your book to life so the details ring true and resonate with your target readers.
Design the structure, plot points, subplots, start and end points, and scene-by-scene table of contents that will guide your writing.
Find the right voice, tone, tense, and point of view to tell the tale.
Zero in on the best topic or region on which to focus your book.
Identify the details that readers need to understand to follow your guidance.
Plan your research strategy to ensure complete and accurate information.
Design a structure and templates for your book that make it easier for you to write and for your readers to understand.
Write a book title, jacket copy, author bio, and campfire pitch that capture your target reader's attention and make them want to buy your book.
Organize your work by research, manuscript, and book proposal content.
Develop a complete Book Map, waypoint by waypoint, that will keep you on track and moving forward through the next phase: writing your book.
Base Camp Plan and Budget
Twelve weeks
Six sections, twenty-four steps
Written feedback plus six one-hour, 1:1 video coaching calls
$1,200 payable up front, or $1,500 payable biweekly in six $250 installments
Got a friend who wants to write a book?
Base Camp workshops are available
for up to five people.
Split the cost and have fun writing
your books together!
Camp 1
At Camp 1, you'll follow the waypoints laid out in your Book Map to write a first draft of your manuscript. You'll also draft your Book Proposal.
The best approach to Camp 1 relies on the outcome of Base Camp, your book, and your publishing goals. Once you complete Base Camp, Every Adventure Book Guide will recommend the best approach to follow, including these activities:
Draft your entire manuscript or only a few chapters, depending on the genre and your publishing goals. *If you lack the time or skills to write your book, you may request a ghostwriter, bearing in mind this service requires a substantial financial commitment.
Continue the research you started in Base Camp to create and recreate vivid scenes/chapters that pull your reader into your book and keep them reading.
Develop dialogue/descriptions/instructions that make your book captivating and useful.
Draft a book proposal, query, and (depending on the genre), a synopsis.
Receive a full manuscript evaluation, editorial/revision letter, and two-chapter heavy edit or a four-chapter evaluation and heavy edit, plus an editorial letter and a proposal heavy edit.
Camp 1 Plan and Budget
Number of sections, steps, written feedback, 1:1 video coaching calls, schedule, and budget depend on the book genre, length, and complexity, and your publishing goals.
Every Adventure Book Guide provides a custom Camp 1 plan at completion of Base Camp.
Camp 2
At Camp 2, you'll revise and polish your manuscript. Depending on your needs, you may work with alpha and beta readers; a developmental, line, and copy editor; and a proofreader.
Like Camp 1, the best approach to Camp 2 relies on the outcome of the previous camp, your book, and your publishing goals. Once you complete Camp 1, Every Adventure Book Guide will recommend the best approach to follow, including these activities:
Narrative memoir authors and those pursuing an indie or hybrid publishing path will complete, revise, and polish their full manuscript.
How-to and prescriptive authors pursuing a traditional publishing path will complete, revise, and polish four or more chapters and their Book Proposal.
Narrative memoir authors pursuing a traditional publishing path will also complete, revise, and polish their Book Proposal.
Camp 2 Plan and Budget
Number of sections, steps, written feedback, 1:1 video coaching calls, schedule, and budget depend on the book genre, length, and complexity, and your publishing goals.
Every Adventure Book Guide provides a custom Camp 2 plan at completion of Camp 1.
Pitch Camp
At Pitch Camp, you'll develop the materials and a strategy to pitch your book to agents.
Authors pursuing a traditional publishing path proceed to Pitch Camp, while others can skip this camp. Once you complete Camp 2, Every Adventure Book Guide will recommend the best approach:
Build a pitch package including a synopsis (for fiction and memoir), proposal, and query letter.
Research agents, acquisition editors, and publishers to find the best match for your book.
Develop and follow a pitch strategy with ongoing Every Adventure Book Guide support for up to ten pitches.
Pitch Camp Plan and Budget
Number of sections, steps, written feedback, 1:1 video coaching calls, schedule, and budget depend on the book genre, length, and complexity, and your publishing goals.
Every Adventure Book Guide provides a custom Pitch Camp plan at completion of Camp 2.
Summit Camp
At Summit Camp, you'll explore non-traditional publishing options.
Today's authors are discovering the benefits of indie and hybrid publishing, such as more creative control and higher royalties. Along with the benefits, authors who follow a non-traditional publishing path carry the burden of design, printing, distribution, marketing, and sales. Whether they hire a third-party publisher to manage these activities or do it all themselves, for many authors, the extra work is worth the effort.
Learn about indie and hybrid publishing methods and support.
Discuss options with a focus on services, quality, and cost.
Determine the best path forward in your book journey.
Summit Camp Plan and Budget
Number of sections, steps, written feedback, 1:1 video coaching calls, schedule, and budget depend on the book genre, length, and complexity, and your publishing goals.
Every Adventure Book Guide provides a custom Summit Camp plan at completion of Camp 2.